
I love books, I mean I really love them. Some say they are medicine for your mind and I couldn't agree more. I made a promise to myself that if someone knows me well and verbally recommends me a book, I read it - no excuses. 

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - I first read this at 18 years of age when I took myself off on a soul vacation to Spain to mend my first broken heart (poor little chicken). I didn't realise how prominent a tale it would be to my belief system, how reading it in that location was such a privilege and how timely it entered into my destiny.

The Secret by Rhona Byrne - I really love the saying 'energy flows, where attention goes' as I believe it couldn't be truer. The moment I became aware of 'the law of attraction' I was hooked and started seeing it play out in front of me almost immediately. Alongside a heap of hard work, I have used its teachings to manifest all sorts of wonderful wishes for an abundant life, from love to career. When you get focused on what you truly desire, I have no doubt you can achieve it. 

Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel - What I would do to spend even 15-minutes with this insightful woman. Love is something we all treasure, but sometimes we are not to good at it. Esther breaks down the often complicated subject of good love and sex into gems of wisdom we can all try and get our head around. 

Feal the Fear & Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers - I was recently asked if I was fearful of anything for a podcast. My answer was simple, fear itself. Sounds silly right? But living with anxiety is a very common thing for a lot of people. This book helps you break through the fear cycle and charge through episodes of fear that may hold you back from living your best life. 

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - I first read this book a decade ago and I have recently dusted its pages off and dived back into its teachings. Especially if you are an overthinker living in the present moment can be exceedingly challenging. Eckhart speaks wise words of how to 'watch the thinker' and make sure your 'thoughts' don't control you.

These are merely a handful and far more books unread to go.

Please comment which books changed your life? 

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You are so talented and with Richo…. well you are an amazing duo.. and I love whipping up your recipes..thankyou🌺


Hey Rosie, you should check out any books by Pema Chodren. Particularly ‘Start where you are’ and ‘When things fall apart’. I think you’ll like them.
Cheers k

Kylie McCullagh

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